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  • Writer's pictureLucy

Seasonal Shifts

Sensing Summer Slipping Away.... there is an ebb and flow of every season, and this summer is beginning to fade. Sunflowers stand tall to salute the long sultry days as they inch away. A sense of sadness in lost opportunities of toes in warm sand and floating in refreshing waters lends to regret, and just as the sun fades and the days soften, we are invited to let go and look toward a new season, and waiting just around the turn is autumn. It is in this transition that we look back on all of our fun in the sun punctuated by passionate thunderstorms and balmy nights and begin to settle our hopes on the days ahead that draw us inwards and closer to what we keep inside.

We will have the brilliant and triumphant autumn to bid farewell to summertime and bring us to the hibernation of winter. As we transition with the earth, we can see that a year and a life have similar shifts. The transitions ask us to reflect and appreciate days gone by and to look hopefully ahead for that which is to come. Let Mother Earth continuously remind us of where we have been and where we will go. Let Her show us her glorious theatrics that highlight the everchanging promise of past, present, and future. Let us in kind impart our own revelry in another season celebrated and, in that, let us rejoice in the promise of tomorrow through the perpetual cycles of life. For some of us we are leaving our favorite season, and for others we are entering, and yet others appreciate equally each in unique pleasure. Please share your reflections, memories, longings here for us all to enjoy.

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